Contact Us

We would love to hear form you! Should you need any information that is not displayed on our website please feel free to get in touch with us.

Head office

+27 (0)21 419 5907
+27 (0)82 843 4839
1 Helistop, East Pier Road, V&A Waterfront

V&A Waterfront office

+27 (0)21 419 5907
+27 (0)82 843 4839
Shop 8, Quay 5, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa

Office Hours

Open 7 Days a week: 8:00am - 6:30pm

Chat to us on Whatsapp

Do you have any questions, would you like a recommendation, or should you wish to find out about available dates? Please feel free to pop us a message on WhatsApp.

Whatsapp icon 082 843 4839 (082 THE HUEY)

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Location & Directions

East Pier Road, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, Western Cape

Once you are at the V & A Waterfront, travel towards the Victoria Wharf Shopping Center. Pass the Table Bay Hotel until you reach a T-Junction. Turn left, travel to the end of the road and around a traffic circle. Look out for Sport Helicopters on your left.